Monday, 14 January 2008

Lo0king forward to 2008

Another year gone! Hard to believe this is our tenth year at Brook House Inn, sounds like a good excuse for a party, but thats not until the end of June. Working backwards from then, we have the Beer Festival from the 5th to the 8th of June. A whisky tasting in May if we get enough interest, please see the whisky page on our site. Easter is early this year so maybe the fells will still have a little winter dressing, always a pretty sight and as the nights get lighter some longer walks can be planned. February half should see an improvement in the weather (well it can`t get any worse, feels like it has been raining for months)

All Our websites are undergoing a little remedial work at the moment so please be patient and don`t get too upset if links take you to unexpected places.

Happy New Year to all
