Friday, 28 August 2009

Rain, rain go away

So I have just looked back at last August and I see that this wet weather is becoming a bit of a trend, so, fingers crossed it should stop raining in about a weeks time!
I am pleased to report that the Great British public have not been put off by the inclement weather and this summer has been just about as busy as last, with the campsites packed for most of the holidays.
Owain and I once again managed a descent of the Esk in our "raft" which proved most entertaining especially to those watching from the banks of the river. The water level was higher than any previous trips and we came close to being flipped on several occasions! The water was moving so fast it was difficult to find places to stop and empty the raft, we did not hit any rocks on the way down but did have to fend off plenty of trees!

We have had 6 or 7 beers on for most of the summer with the beers from Loweswater brewery finding a place on the bar quite frequently, Loweswater Gold and LPA being most popular, but I am looking forward to trying some of their dark one which we should have on soon.

As Easter was my last post I should mention what a great success the beer festival was, we had over 40 beers on just at Brook House and not much left by Monday morning! Next year is the 10th Boot Beer Festival, it would be nice to mark it with something special, but I will be happy with the same warm weather and great customers which attended this years festival.
The beer of the festival was chosen by 2 stalwarts of the festival circuit from Preston who judged Rudgate Brewery Revel to be best.

The Roosters (great local band) played at the Festival this year and went down a treat, so we have provisionally booked them to come back in early November when we shall have a curry night with music and maybe a few extra beers (but not a winter ale festival!)

Dates will follow soon, as will Christmas and New Years Eve menus. Quiz nights are every other sunday, next one on the 6th September. Mid week breaks are available from 1st Nov please see here for details