Friday, 28 May 2010

Beer is Art

The perfect pint, is it displayed in a gallery somewhere? If it was would it have a tight creamy head on top of a bright nutty brown body, or would it be frothy like it had been pulled from the bottom of a mountain waterfall, maybe it would be black as night or pale as a harvest moon. Like art what beer suits one may provoke an adverse reaction in another! Hopfully this years Boot Beer Festival will have something to please everyone.
It is getting towards that time of year when our cellar starts to strain at the seams, jam packed with beer for the festival and a busy week at half term.  But first this weekend sees the Eskdale school turn into an Art Gallery for Eskdale Art, with hundreds of exhibits from local artists and the more famous such as Paul Hopkins. I have just dropped a couple of Photos off (late) and had a quick look at some of the other exhibits and I am glad to say the standard once more looks good.

I like this time of year when we stop worrying about having too much beer and start assessing if we have enough to last the week!
In general only having a small cellar creates an interesting project to mamage the beer, roatating stock, getting it racked etc, at the beer festival this is complicated by the shear volume of beer, this year we have to have 40 different ones on over the festival! so that should be fun!
In the kitchen we are settling back into the routine of being busy, we have some great local suppliers, especially for Cumbrian meat, but one of the best things for me at this time of year is to be able to go outside and pick fresh herbs from the garden. Also Sarah and Shaun now have a garden full of rhubarb so Eskdale rhubarb crumble is back on the menu!
The Boot Beer Festival kicks off on Thursday10th June 2010 at Brook House Inn with a curry night and music from Leather and Lace.

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